ESOL stands English for Speakers of Other Languages. The classes help people to learn or improve their English.
Do you want to learn English?
We can help find you an ESOL course if you live in Newham and English is not your first language.
What kind of class?
Classes can be with or without exams, long or short. Most classes are free.
ESOL classes are for learners of different levels. You will need an assessment to find out your level.
What level?
Most ESOL providers use these levels for their courses:
- ESOL Literacy: for students not literate in their own language and English.
- Beginners: students literate in their own language but new to ESOL.
- Entry 1
- Entry 2
- Entry 3
- Level 1
- Level 2
Where and when do classes run?
ESOL classes run all over Newham on different days and times. We can help you find a class near to where you live or work, or one that runs online.
What do I need to do?
Look on our map for a class that's online or near you.
If you can't find what you need please email us at If you can't email us please call us on 07888 369335.
When you have found a course you need to contact the centre where it runs to arrange an assessment.